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Timewave Analytics, LLC
Persistence matters.
All else is noise.


I never could have done what I have done without the habits of punctuality, order, and diligence, without the determination to concentrate myself on one subject at a time.
- Charles Dickens

Timewave Analytics offers services to help organizations take advantage of the power of time-behavior models.   While the subject and method of Timewave analysis (persistent time-behaviors) is perhaps non-standard, the process of change management follows the traditional model. 

  1. Analysis of current state
  2. Identification of the future state
  3. Gap and opportunities analysis
  4. Formulation of the change strategy (transition path)

The content of the change strategy is, however, different.  The future state consists of desired target behaviors.  In our approach, the change strategy is not defined in terms of a set of actions(one-off events) .  We believe the change process has a greater chance of success if it consists of persistent time behaviors (t1 behaviors).  Six-sigma processes (or other continuous improvement processes) are  example s of change strategies based on persistent time-behaviors.   The Timewave Analytics services are delivered within this framework. 

These include:


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Timewave Analytics, LLC - - - 202-556-1501